

After the must has undergone alcoholic fermentation, the winemaker can treat the wine in order to fix actual or potential faults, ensuring that the wine’s properties will be preserved over time and increase the overall quality of the finished product.

The treatments to correct wine defects include acidity management – methods to increase or decrease the total acidity in wine – and interventions to improve the sensory characteristics of the wine by eliminating uninviting colours or odours.

Winemakers have a number of winemaking products available to help them keep the quality of their wine high, such as products to correct the colour or smell of the wine, or remedies for correcting oxidized wines or reduced wines.

At Perdomini-IOC, we formulate and market solutions for handling acid in wine making using tartaric acid, citric acid, malic or lactic acid, and for fixing oxidized wines using alkaline salts such as potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate and potassium tartrate.

And that’s not all – Perdomini-IOC also supplies winemaking products containing activated plant-based carbon to improve colour and remove impurities from wine, as well as targeted formulas for correcting, reversing or fixing oxidation in wine making.

Browse the range of Perdomini-IOC winemaking products for correcting flawed wines.(H2) DECOLOURIZING CARBON
Activated carbon for winemaking with decolourizing properties


Activated carbon for winemaking with decolourizing properties


Activated plant-based carbon to remove odours from wine


Targeted treatments for reduced wines: prevention and elimination of sensory faults


Products to manage the total acidity in wine: tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, lactic acid


Products to lower the acidity in wine: calcium carbonate and bicarbonate, potassium tartrate


Ascorbic acid to fix oxidised wines, with antioxidant and preservative effects

Correcting wine faults: how to fix wine acidity, wine oxidation and more

Wine is certainly susceptible to a host of phenomena that can alter its properties; luckily, these can be kept under control thanks to a range of winemaking products that work on sensory structure and preservation.

As well as the winemaking treatments involving the transformation of must into wine, there are also numerous treatments for correcting flawed wines. Here are some of them:

Handling acid in wine making: this is crucial to preserving the quality of must and wines; in Europe, these activities are governed by EU Regulations. Increasing acidity is known as
acidification, while reducing acidity is known as de-acidification. Both of these processes involve the use of wine acidity correctors which bring the pH back into balance, inhibiting the growth of unwanted microbial populations and ensuring long-term stability.

Fixing wine oxidation or reduction: these phenomena require careful handling at both the vinification and bottling stages, as they can have a considerable impact on product shelf-life. One of the most popular products for correcting oxidation in wine is ascorbic acid, which provides a strong antioxidant effect, while for preventing reduction there is copper sulphate, which oxidises and removes sulphurous compounds.

Removing unwanted colours and odours: sometimes small alterations to the colour of wine can be made by using plant-based carbon products. Some of these also ‘clean up’ the sensory properties of the wine. Unwanted colours and odours can be eliminated by adding plant-based carbons to the wine – their decolourizing and decontaminating effects allow the winemaker to totally eliminate unpleasant colours and odours.

To help you correct wine faults as effectively as possible, at Perdomini-IOC we provide technical support and laboratory services which allow you to pinpoint the most appropriate corrective wine treatment depending on your specific needs and your winery’s protocols. Get in touch with us!

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